Friday, February 22, 2019



phalacrocorax carbo

Cormorants breed over Asia, Europe and North America, In Europe, the species is found in large numbers on coasts but also inland on rivers and lakes. Both a dispersive and a migratory bird, when migrating it keeps close to the shore, It nest, as well as in trees, and the gatherings may number several thousand pairs of birds. Inland, cormorants can be found breeding in heroines.
Nests on rock ledges are only sparingly lined, nests in trees are woven of twigs and grass stems.
The bird may build a new nest using the foundation of an old one. Both partners take part in the construction, in tree colonies breaking twigs with their strong beaks. The female lays three to five eggs between April and June, both partners taking turns to incubate for 23 to 29 days. The chicks do not open their eyes until three days after hatching. Food is taken from the parent’s throats. After 35 to 56 days in the nest, the juvenile birds form flocks and range widely together with the adult birds. Cormorants feed mostly on fish, occasionally on crustaceans, and especially crabs, which it may catch in great numbers. They hunt in small groups, say eight birds, harrying the fish into a compact shoal, pursuing their prey underwater. Undigested bones and scales are regurgitated. In parts of their range, cormorants will be found in company with pelicans.

Size of egg
56.2-70.8 X 33.8-44.4mm
91.5 cm. Male and female have similar plumage.
Various guttural groans.

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